Friday, February 5, 2010

Californina Adventure

Here is a simple layout that was super easy to do. I just let my LOTWs (California Adventure) be the embellishments, matted the photo, from our Disney Photopass and it was done. This took less than 5 minutes to create.

LOTWs were a bit of a swapping craze in the fall, I literally did over a 1000 different letters for all sorts of themes... of course I did a TON of Disney ones.

If you don't know what a LOTW is, it stands for Letter of the Word, and the idea is that you complete one letter and send it in to a hostess who then gathers all of the letters from all of the swap participants and organizes so that you get the complete word (or words) back. They are super quick and easy, but oh so very addicting!!!


Tracey said...

Hi Moria!
This is so cool, I love LOTW swaps and have a ton of them too. Need to start using them again.

Melina said...

don't you just love LOTW's!
Pretty :)

JayLynn said...

Yay, more LOTWs, they sure make a LO look great :)

Lesley said...

Great layout!

April said...

What a great way to use the LOTW's...I just love this!

marsha said...

Wow, you have the most fantastic layouts Moria! Super cute!
Hugs, Marsha